Conference speaker

Senator Lynn Ruane

Lynn Ruane is an independent Irish politician, who has served as a Senator and the deputy leader of the Civil Engagement Group in Seanad Éireann since 2016.

Lynn is from Tallaght; an historically underserved and neglected community in Dublin. A long-time community and drugs worker, Lynn now champions the causes most close to her heart and community in Ireland’s parliament.

An ardent legislator, Lynn tables progressive bills which respond to the lived experiences of those on the margins of society. To date, that has included pursuing harm reduction in drug policy, meaningful rehabilitation in criminal justice, a fairer child maintenance system for lone-parents, and the cessation of the misuse of non-disclosure agreements.

Lynn also regularly seeks to amend Government legislation, to ensure it reflects the principles of human rights, social justice, equality, inclusion, and the empowerment of the marginalised. In addition to her legislative work, Lynn is currently a member of three parliamentary Committees: Justice, Drugs Use, and Children, Equality, Disability Integration and Youth.

Outside of the her work in the Oireachtas, Lynn is a mother to two daughters, a published author, writer and screenwriter, a frequent contributor in print and online media, the creator and host of the award winning podcast ‘Conversations on the Margins’, and, most recently, the co-presenter of the RTÉ documentary ‘Lady Gregory – Ireland’s First Social Influencer’ with the esteemed Miriam Margolyes.

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